AK / MMT Literatuur
Reviewed literature
Applied Kinesiology Research Manuals Goodheart, G.J. Privately published yearly (1964 to 1998)
You’ll Be Better – The Story of Applied Kinesiology, Goodheart, G.J. Privately published
Collected Published Articles & Reprints, Goodheart, G.J. 1969
Collected Published Articles & Reprints, Goodheart, G.J. 1992
Observation of Sonagraphic Computerized Analysis, Goodheart, G.J. 1981
A New Approach To An Old Problem, Goodheart, G.J. 1990
Being A Family Doctor, Goodheart, G.J. 1993
Applied kinesiology: The advanced approach in chiropractic, Walther, D.S. Systems D.C., Pueblo, CO; 1976
Applied Kinesiology: Basic Procedures and Muscle Testing, Vol. I., Walther, D.S. Systems D.C., Pueblo, CO; 1981
Applied Kinesiology Vol. II, Head, Neck, and Jaw Pain and Dysfunction—The Stomatognathic System, Walther D.S. Systems D.C., Pueblo, CO; 1983
Applied Kinesiology, Synopsis, 2nd Edition, Walther, D.S. (translated into Italian and Korean) Systems DC, Pueblo, CO; 2000 (www.systemsdc.com/product/text.htm)
Common Glandular Dysfunctions in the General Practice – An Applied Kinesiological Approach, Schmitt, W.H Chapel Hill, NC: AK Study Program; 1981
Compiled Notes on Clinical Nutrition Products, Schmitt, W.H. Chapel Hill, NC: AK Study Program; 1979
Quintessential Applications: AK Clinical Protocol, McCord, K.M., Schmitt, W.H. Health Works!, St. Petersburg, FL, 2005
Complementary Sports Medicine: Balancing traditional and nontraditional treatments, Maffetone, P. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, 1999
In Fitness and In Health,3rd Edition, Maffetone, P. David Barmore Productions, Stamford, NY, 1997
Applied Kinesiology Flowchart Manual, III. Leaf, D. David W. Leaf, Plymouth, MA, 1995
Applied Kinesiology: A training manual and reference book of basic principals and practices, Frost, R. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA; 2002 (www.northatlanticbooks.com/store/1556433743.html)
Your Inner Pharmacy: Taking Back Our Wellness, Blaich R. Beyond Words Publishing, Inc, Hillsboro, OR; 2006
Applied Kinesiology: Muscle response in diagnosis, therapy and preventive medicine, Valentine, T., Valentine, C. Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, UK, 1985
Dental Kinesiology, Eversaul, G.A. Self-published, 1977
Advanced Kinesiology, 2nd Edition, Deal, S.C. Self-published, 1999
New Life Through Natural Methods, Deal, S.C. New Life Publishing Co., Tucson, AZ, 1979
New Life Through Nutrition, Deal, S.C. New Life Publishing Co., Tucson, AZ, 19??
Your Body Can Talk: How to use simple Muscle Testing to learn what your body knows and needs, Levy SL, Lehr C. Hohm Press, Prescott, AZ, 1996.
Breakthrough for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities, Ferrari, C., Wainwright, R.B. Self-published, 1984
The Chiropractic Theories: Principles and Clinical Applications, Leach RA. Williams & Williams, Baltimore, MD, 1994.
Lehrbuch der Applied Kinesiology (AK) in der naturheilkundlichen Praxis, Gerz, W. (in German) AKSE-Verlag, Munchen; 1996
Lehrbuch Applied Kinesiology Muskelfunktion-Dysfunction-Therapie, Garten, H. (in German) Urban & Fischer, Munich; 2004.
Cranio-Sacral Energetics, Volume 1, Crisera, P. Privately Published, Rome, Italy, 1997
Principles and Practice of Manual Therapeutics: Medical Guides to Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Edited by Patrick Coughlin. Chapter 6: Applied Kinesiology. Walther, D.S. Churchill-Livingstone: Elsevier Science, Philadelphia, 2002
New Concepts In Craniomandibular and chronic pain management, Edited by Harold Gelb. Chapter 15: Applied Kinesiology and the Stomatognathic System, Walther, D.S. Mosby-Wolfe, London, 1994:349-368
Healers on Healing, Edited by Carlson, R., Shield, B. Innate Intelligence Is The Healer, Goodheart, G. Jeremy P. Tarcher, Los Angeles; 1989:53-57
The Dental Clinics of North America: Symposium on Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction and Treatment, Edited by Harold Gelb, D.M.D. Chapter 13: Applied Kinesiology in Dysfunction of the Temporomandibular Joint, Goodheart, G. W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 27(3);1983:613-630
Holistic Medicine, Edited by Deliman T, Smolowe JS. Chapter 5: The Structural Dimension, Walther DS. Reston Publishing Company, Reston VA;1982:115-140.
Clinical Management of Head, Neck and TMJ Pain and Dysfunction, Gelb, H. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1977
Muscles: Testing and Function, Kendall, F.P., McCreary, E.K., Provance, P.G. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1993
Posture and Pain, Kendall HO, Kendall FP. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1952
Muscle Function Testing, Janda, V. Butterworths, London, 1983
Muscles Alive – Their Functions Revealed by Electromyography, 4th Edition, Basmajian, J.V. Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, MD, 1978
Muscles and Movements – A Basis for Human Kinesiology, MacConaill, N.A., Basmajian, J.V. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co., Huntington, NY, 1977
Muscle Testing – Techniques of Manual Examination, 7th Edition, Daniels, L., Worthingham, K. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA, 2002
Clinical Kinesiology, Beardall, A. Privately Published, Lake Grove, OR, 1985
Collected Writings of Major Bertrand DeJarnette, D.O., D.C., founder of the Sacro-Occipital Technique 1929-1984
Collected Writings of Royal Lee, D.D.S. 1929-1967
The Art and Practice of Chiropractic, 3rd Edition, Rees, M.L. International System Health Organization, Inc. Sedan, KS, 1994
Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual, Volumes 1 & 2, Travell, J.G., Simons, D.G. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1983 and 1992 (www.amazon.com/gp/product/0683307711)
Jones Strain-Counterstrain, Jones, L., Kusunose, R.S., Goering, E.K. 1995
Rolfing, Rolf, I. Dennis-Landeman, Santa Monica, CA, 1977
Manual Medicine: Diagnostics, 3rd Edition, Dvorak, J., Dvorak, V. George Theime Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 1988
Touch of Life, Fulford, R.C., Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 1996
Robert Fulford and the philosopher physician, Comeaux, Z. Eastland Press, Seattle, WA, 2002
An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman’s Reflexes, Owens, C. Academy of Applied Osteopathy, 1937
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction and Occlusal Equilibration, 2nd Edition, Shore, N.A. J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA, 1976
The Dental Physician, Fonder, A.C. University Publications, 1977
The Dental Distress Syndrome, Fonder, A.C. Medical-Dental Arts, Sterling, IL, 1993
Cranial-Dental-Sacral Complex, Smith, G Privately published, Newtown, PA, 1983
Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness, Barnes, B. O. Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York, NY, 1976
The G.P. and the Endocrine Glands, Rubel, L.L. 1959
A New Clinical Basis for the Correction of Abnormal Physiology, Bennett, T.J. Privately published, Burlingame, CA, 1960
The Practice of Correction of Abnormal Functions: Neurovascular Dynamics (NVD), Martin, R.J. Self-published, 1983
Acupuncture: The Ancient Chinese Art of Healing and How It Works Scientifically, Mann, F. Random House, NY, 1963.
Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text, O’Connor, J., Bensky, D. Eastland Press, Seattle, WA, 1981
The Vertebral Column – Lifeline of the Body, Illi, F.W. National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, IL, 1951
Complementarity In Biology: Quantization of Molecular Motion, Issacs, J.P., Lamb, J.C. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD, 1969
The Physiopathology and Treatment of Functional Disorders, Whatmore, G.B.; Kohli, D.R. Grune & Stratton, Inc. New York, NY, 1974.
Symptoms of Visceral Disease, Pottenger, F.M. C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, MO, 1944
Adverse Mechanical Tension in the Central Nervous System, Breig, A. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1978
Neck muscle proprioception and motor control, Abrahams, V. Kensington, SW: Univ New South Wales, 1982. (in Proprioception, Posture and Emotion, ed. Garlick, D.)
Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists, Myers, T.W. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 2001
Soft-Tissue Manipulation, Chaitow, L. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, VT, 1988:62-64,131-132,141
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Approaches to the Primary Respiratory Mechanism, Friedman, H.D., Gilliar, W.G., Glassman, J.H. San Francisco International Manual Medicine Society; 2000:221-253.
A list of over 400 papers related to the cranial concept, and over 30 books explaining this therapeutic modality, The cranium and its sutures, Retzlaff, E.W., Mitchell, F.W. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1987:68.
An annotated bibliography of over 250 papers relating to cranial manipulative therapy.
Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, 3rd Edition, Magoun, H.I. The Journal Printing Company, Kirksville, MI, 1976
The Cranial Bowl, Sutherland, W.G. Free Press Company, 1939
Contributions of Thought: The Collected Writings of William Garner Sutherland, D.O. Rudra Press, Portland, OR, 1998
Craniosacral Therapy, Upledger, J.E., Vredevoogd, J.D. Eastland Press, Seattle, WA, 1983
Cranial Manipulation Theory and Practice, Chaitow, L. Churchill Livingstone, New York, NY, 1999:213,269-271,284
Cranial Sutures: Analysis, Morphology & Manipulative Strategies, Pick, M. Eastland Press, Seattle, WA, 1999
Craniofacial Dysfunction & Pain: Manual Therapy, Assessment and Management, Eds., von Piekartz H., Bryden L. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 2001
What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child, 2nd Edition, Doman, G. The Gentle Revolution Press, Towson, MD, 2003
The Treatment And Prevention Of Reading Problems (The Neuro-Psychological Approach), 3rd Printing, Delacato, C.H. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1963
Human Neurological Organization, Le Winn, E. B. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1969
The Collected Papers of Viola M. Frymann: Legacy of Osteopathy to Children, Frymann, V.M. American Academy of Osteopathy, Indianapolis, IN;1998.
The Selected Writings of Beryl E. Arbuckle, DC, FACOP, Arbuckle, BE, The National Osteopathic Institute and Cerebral Palsy Foundation, 1977:1-197.
Textbook of pain, Wall P, Melzack R Churchill Livingstone, London, 1989
Life Energy: Using the Meridians To Unlock The Hidden Power Of Your Emotions, Diamond, J. Paragon House, St. Paul, MN, 1985
Your Body Doesn’t Lie, Diamond, J. Warner Books, Inc. New York, NY, 1979
Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Hawkins, D.R. Hay House, Inc. Carlsbad, CA, 2002
Molecules of Emotion, by Pert, C.B. Scribner, New York, NY, 1997:339
Science and Human Transformation, Tiller, W.A. Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, 1997:130-132